
Sad sad Doug update. He didn't just throw up once - he was up all night, throwing up (or other things) every 30 or 40 minutes! Poor baby! When he called me the next morning (yesterday evening for me), he barely had a voice left! The hotel doctor saw him and gave him an IV of medicine and then some pills and he was feeling *okay* as of late last night. But I talked to him this morning (my time) and it was bedtime for him and he said he was feeling nauseated again. He'd forgotten to take his anti-nausea medicine with lunch, but he'd taken it with dinner. So hopefully it kicked in after I talked to him.

I'm so sad! I don't like knowing that he's so sick and I can't get to him to take care of him! Argh! His flight leaves in 9 hours, so there's still time for his body to get some rest and hopefully feel better. Please be praying for him. I'd hate for him to have to spend his two days of post trip "recovery time" sick! Not to mention all that travel time - yucky! :(

As a fun surprise (although i told him about it last night to perk him up a little), I'm washing and waxing his car. I washed and halfway waxed it yesterday and I'll finish waxing it right after lunch today. That's a large vehicle to wax!

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