
What Dreams May Come - LONG

I had a lot of strange and vivid dreams last night and I actually remember them today.

The first one I remember started out in Houston, at Doug's parents' house. We left from there to come back to Austin with a car full of stuff. The plan was to come home, unload, re-pack, and then go back to Houston. As we were leaving their neighborhood, I noticed something very odd happening. There were 18-wheelers (cab and trailer) falling from the sky!!!

There was some sort of craft up there - a very large one, evidently - and it was dropping these things. The part that really cracks me up is that some of there were equipped with human-sized parachutes! Anyway, they are falling to earth and crashing down around us. I told Doug to pull over because I had an idea. We grabbed Lila and ran between two houses because that seemed like a safer place.

The space between these two houses must have been huge though because we were still running around, dodging falling cabs and trailers! Then two guys jumped out of one of the fallen cabs and robbed us! Apparently they had stowed away in the cab because one of them made a comment about this being a profitable ride after all (or something like that). They threatened us and I promptly offered up Doug's wallet.

I just decided not to mention that I had my wallet too. They dug through it, took the cash and a couple of other things and then left us. Easily satisfied bandits, it would seem! Then I reached into my pocket and felt my wedding rings in there and thought it sure was a good thing I hadn't been wearing them. I think all of these dreams were connected somehow, but there's a gap between this and the next thing I remember.

Part two involved us taking Lila to some sort of institution for Special Children. In the dream, she aged very rapidly and had some sort of mental disability. Anyway, we took her there and then came back to pick her up so that we could take her to Houston with us. She got very excited when she was coming out to meet us and the guy who ran the place decided she was too rambunctious and needed to be punished.

So he said she couldn't come with us! I was very angry and started trying to get her out of there so I could bring her home. I kept going back for a week, trying to get her out... and also spent the week working on a craft project in the visiting room. Yeah, I don't know - anyway, when I saw her once, she wouldn't come to me! I was so upset because she was forgetting about me and it was their fault!

I don't remember how it all happened, but I did finally get her back. I had to go get Doug from work because we both had to sign something and we had to pay $137.50. When we finally got her, I wanted to nurse her to try and bond with her again. I was worried that my milk might have dried up during the week that we were separated though. Don't know how that turned out because there's another gap here.

The next thing I know, the three of us are heading to the car to drive to Houston. When we get to it, there are three guys standing around it and arguing. One of them tells us that this used to be his car, he has some guns hidden on it, and he wants them back. Doug says, "Go for it," and very stealthily grabs the gun that HE has hidden on the car.

The guy looks for the guns and can't find them. He assumes one of the other guys stole them and they begin arguing again. While they are distracted, we hop in the car and take off. Once we get to Houston, we open the back hatch to start unloading and there's the guy who wants his guns. He gives us some sort of admonition for leaving before he was finished with us...

...and then he steals Doug's new underwear and my new work-out shirts and leaves.

It was a peril-filled night inside my head. :o)~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was really strange! What did you have to eat before you went to bed last night?