
My Little Helper

Lila is quite the little helper when it comes to laundry. The doors are temporarily off the cabinets in our hallway, which includes her laundry hamper. So, a couple of days ago, she was pulling all her dirty laundry out and "sorting" it. She was taking her task very seriously and she did a fabulous job. I tried to get it on video, but as soon as I turned the camera on... she stopped.

Yesterday she was helping me fold her clothes and put them away. She would pull a piece of clothing out of the laundry basket and wave it around in the air for a while. I think this is her technique for shaking out any wrinkles. Once she was satisfied, she'd toss the piece of clothing behind her and I would pick it up and fold it.

However, this activity started getting more and more frantic. Toward the end, it turned into pulling handfulls of clothing out of the hamper and throwing them around. It was like she was getting exasperated, saying, "My goodness, is there no end to this laundry?!?"

My sentiments exactly, Love. My sentiments exactly. :o)~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If she ever wants to hang your underpants on a hanger for you, watch out. That was when you told me you were moving in with Grandma, because I told you underwear didn't go on hangers.
