
Lila learned to crawl yesterday! It's very funny to see her do it. All her life, she's been immobile, so it's just bizarre to see her moving around on her own. It looks kind of funny too because she's mostly using her upper body and 'core muscles' to move herself and her legs look like they're just along for the ride. :o)~ We'll still be taking her for the evaluation with the physical therapist on Wednesday and I'll keep you updated on that.

She's also finally started saying 'Mama', and not just when she's crying! A couple of days ago, I had my back turned toward her and she pointed right at me and said, "Mama!" I'm so happy!

Finally, we just put Lila to bed a while ago and she had a hard time going to sleep. She fussed for several minutes and I finally went in to rock her a bit more. I found both pacifiers on the floor, she had taken off one of her socks and flung it who-knows-where, and she was sitting up! That sitting up thing is new! I mean, sitting up on her own. Crazy!

I would write more, but I'm too tired from following Lila around all day saying, "No no!" and moving what I could out of her reach. Whew!

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