
Like, Hi! How are *you* today? :o)~

Okay, I typed that and now I've been sitting here for five minutes, picking at my toenails and wondering what to write. Obviously I haven't had anything overly exciting happen lately.

It finally stopped raining so I have been able to get some gardening done this week. I finally finished pruning our crape myrtles - I never realized how tiring that could be! It wears your arms out. I also repotted our spider plant. [well, resoiled really - same pot - fresh soil] It is already looking much happier. I think the old soil was totally drained of nutrients! Doug and I bought little basil and cilantro plants a week and a half ago (at least) and they've just been sitting on our back porch, slowly dying, since then. Yesterday I brought them inside and pinched off all the dead and wilty stuff. So hopefully they'll perk up now. I think herbs are more high-maintenance than I'm used to. I also finally finished re-mulching around our roses. I found some interesting things in one of the beds - a few large pieces of broken glass, an old nail...

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