
Where am I?

I have no idea what day of the week it is. I might be in this state until next week. We got back to town on Monday, which kinda made it feel like Sunday except that there was no church. (Of course, there was no church on Sunday either, which didn't help.) When Doug went back to work yesterday, it felt like Monday. Except that Lila and I went grocery shopping in the afternoon, which is usually what we do on Friday.

Today I had no idea what day of the week it was, but it didn't feel like Wednesday. I kept forgetting that our small group meeting, which happens every Wednesday, was tonight. Every time I did remember (once per hour or so), I would whimper and roll my eyes around at the post-vacation mess that still rules in our home.

On Friday, Doug has an off-site in the afternoon, which means that he'll be home early. Anytime he gets home early on Friday, it ends up feeling like Saturday because we get to spend time hanging out before dinner. Then I don't know what day it is for the rest of the weekend. I think I'm in trouble until Monday rolls around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How cute you are, Lila Bean.

love and hugs from Grammie