
Short, but Brave

I'm tired, so this is not going to be a very exciting post. :)

Lila had her one year check up with the pediatrician yesterday and all is well. She weighs 19 lbs 13 oz, which puts her in the 30th %ile. She's only gained one pound in the past three months! It wasn't that long ago that she was gaining one pound per month! She is also 28.5 inches long/tall, which puts her in the 25th %ile. She's grown 1.5 inches in the past three months.

She came out of the womb smaller than expected, grew like a weed for the first several months, and has now plateaued. I think that her current size is more representative of what she will be like from now on. I was a small child and I'm expecting her to be petite as well.

Anyway, she also got a couple of immunizations and had a TB test and a test for anemia. Both Doug and I and one nurse were holding her still while another nurse put the "stuff" under her skin for the TB test, but that all turned out to be unnecessary. She didn't even care that someone was sticking a needle in her arm. So far, by the way, there has been no reaction at the test site.

When they did the toe stick to get blood for the anemia test, she was annoyed, but still didn't cry. And I'm happy to say that her iron level was normal - yeah! (at her 9 month check up, she was borderline anemic.) Then we held her down while they gave her a shot in each leg. Those did make her cry, but I think it was anger as much as pain. She recovered quickly though and was back to causing trouble in no time. She did a very good job!

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