
Okay, I have to admit that I'm pretty bored with being pregnant. Some days (like yesterday) it's more like I'm *sick* of it! I know that is normal, but I thought I'd make it a little further before I started feeling this way. Like, I thought I'd at least make it to the third trimester (though that's only two or three weeks away). Things only stay exciting for so long before they start to become tedious.

I do want to clarify - I'm not bored with THE BABY, so don't start with the pep talks on how it's a miracle and all that because I know - I'm tired of getting bigger and not being able to pick things up off the floor or bend my body very far. I'm also tired of pregnancy being the only thing that's going on in my life. I want my body and my identity back! But enough ranting for one day... :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, you poor thing! I know how you feel since I was just recently there! I tried to tell myself to enjoy every minute because it was my last one - you could try the same thing except do it because it's your first one.

It didn't work for me..... but let me know if you have any better luck!! ;) (Sorry, couldn't resist that!)

Anonymous said...

Oh I relate all too well. I remember you laughing and laughing at me when I said I was bored with the whole thing. With Aidan the boredom was somewhere in the 2nd trimester but with Catherine it was about 3 weeks into it! Yeah, it gets old. 40 weeks is a long time to have a human occupying your body. But soon very soon she will be out and make it all worth the roundness.