
So, after dinner with the very colorful crew we were touring with, we went back to the hotel and crashed. Hard. No jet lag here. We just passed out and slept soundly! We woke up in the morning feeling quite a bit better.

The next morning we went on a half-day tour in Barcelona (pronounced Barthelona there) called Gaudi and Modernist Barcelona. It was a good tour - we saw a couple of 'houses', Parc Guell, and Church of the Holy Family (all of which i have already posted photos of). It was all amazing. I nearly cried when I saw the first house. We returned to our hotel with very sore feet and about 150 photos!

We had lunch that day at a little cafe across the street from our hotel. Doug understood and spoke just enough Spanish and the cafe owner understood and spoke just enough English for us to order a couple of sandwiches. And they were yummy! Unfortunately, I forgot to check what the name of the cafe was and we were never back at that hotel, so...

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