
So, I exploded a can of soda in our freezer today. Caffiene Free Dr. Pepper, to be exact. You're thinking I put it in there to cool it off and forgot about it, right? Well, no. It's not that simple. I did forget to replace the one I took out for dinner last night and found myself wanting a soda at lunch and not having a cold one. But that's not a huge problem because I know how to cool one down fast.

We have an automatic ice maker that dumps ice into a bucket in the freezer. If you put a can in the bucket of ice and spin it around for a few minutes you'll get a cold soda and an even colder hand. This is what I went to do today. Only - and I'm guessing here because I was only halfway paying attention, having done this so many times, and because it happened so fast - I seem to have dropped the soda heavily onto the corner of a piece of ice. In a split second, this punctured the can and sent Caffiene Free Dr. Pepper spewing all over the inside of the freezer and my arm!

The good news is that I had the door open only enough to let my arm in, so the soda didn't get all over the rest of the kitchen as well. I was so shocked that I just stood there for a minute, staring. Why do things like this never happen to me when someone else is around to witness them?!?

Anyway, I just finished cleaning up the freezer and my right arm is very cold. I'm going to have to dump out the whole bucket of ice because it's now Dr. Pepper flavored. A pleasing hot-weather treat for the fan of Dr. Pepper, but not so good for cooling down your glass of water.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow A. That sounds like a mess and very skillful. I would never think that could happen - the whole drop a can on a sharp piece of ice. Now I am thinking - is ice even safe? If it can pierce a can of coke what is it doing to my insides! Ofcourse I don't swallow shards of ice I guess. Anyway - sorry it was a mess. -michele