
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream

How did this happen? My child has become an ice cream maniac! I didn't even want her to know what these sugary junk foods tasted like until she was older, but I made the mistake of giving her one little bite one time...

At home, I don't eat my nightly bowl of ice cream until she's in the bath or in bed, so she doesn't really know that's going on. But for the past few weeks, we've been going to the park a lot (see photo) and there's an Amy's Ice Cream right there next to it. Now, when we walk into Amy's, she knows what's coming.

As soon as she sees the little bowl of ice cream, she starts saying, "Muh! Muh! Muh!" And this girl is serious about it too! She doesn't use Cute Little Baby voice. She uses I Mean Business voice! I'll give her the tiniest of little bites and within seconds she's barking at me again. "Muh!" If I'm too slow, then she'll go and harass Doug for awhile.

[sigh] I brought this upon myself.

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