
Woah - it's been almost a week since I posted! How am I supposed to keep my loyal readers this way?!? So, one of my kitties (cordelia) was *very* naughty this morning! Both of them have been temporarily kicked out of our room because that's where the Christmas tree is and they can't keep their paws (or teeth) off of it. This morning, I pulled the door shut behind me as I came out for breakfast, but apparently it didn't shut all the way.

While we were eating we heard this weird tinkling noise and Doug got up to investigate. We couldn't see what she had done, but we knew it was Cordelia because she was doing the, "It wasn't me!" routine. So we formulated a couple of theories and went back to eating. When we came into the bedroom a little while later, we found the Christmas tree on its side! A couple of the more fragile ornaments broke too! Naughty girl!

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