
Apparently I have developed a special talent for locking keys in cars. It's so powerful that it even extends to people that I'm riding with. Today I went with my friend Anne to pick her son up from preschool. As we were getting out of the van, I locked the doors. She told me to leave them unlocked because she was going to leave the keys in the car. So I unlocked the doors. There is no question about this.

However, when we came back from picking her son up, the doors were locked. This means that (a) she locked the doors after I unlocked them without thinking about it or (b) some helpful person noticed the doors were unlocked and decided to lock them for us. We're betting on the former. So we got to sit in the hallway of the preschool with a tired 3-year-old and a hungry 6-month-old until we were rescued.

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