
So, apparently, sap never dies. A couple of the boards in our wooden deck (the ones near things that i tend to often, of course) have a yearly habit of oozing sap. Whenever the weather gets above 80 degrees (as it now has) they get all goopy and stay that way until the weather cools down again.

Now, this is not just a minor annoyance if you happen to step in it. It's like an industrial adhesive. You *cannot* get it off. It laughs at soap and water. It goes on nice and thick, so it looks like you should be able to pick it off - especially after it's picked up some dirt and cat hair. However, if you make the mistake of touching it, you will then have some of the stuff permanently attached to your fingers.

It also stinks. It has a very strong outdoorsy odor. I've smelled worse things, but it's not really an odor that I want attached to my body. You might think that after so many years it would run out of sap, but no. I just keeps oozing more and more. I pity the poor squirrel or bird who wanders through it. Did I mention that it's also green (possibly because of paint)...?

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