
Back in the Saddle

I had a superb weekend with my dear friends!

I am an introvert and my natural tendency is to withdraw and isolate myself, particularly if I'm tired or overwhelmed. I have two small children, so I spend much of my time in that state. At the end of the day, all I want to do is sit on my butt and not talk to anyone.

I know that community is important and it is a vital part of the way that God has created all of us. I used to be part of weekly small group meetings, both as an attender and as a leader. Hanging out together, laughing, discussing life, discussing God, reading the Bible together, praying together and for one another. These are life-giving things! Even introverts need other people.

Over the past few years, I have given in to numerous excuses for not pursuing this kind of community. We changed churches and I wanted to get a feel for the church before I decided where to get plugged in. (It's been two years. That excuse is officially dead.) (Wait. Maybe it's been three years...) It's too difficult to find a small group with child care and I don't like to pay for a babysitter. (Wah.) I don't want to join a women-only small group because I'm intimidated by a group of all women. (Well, that's true, but it's not a sufficient excuse.) I don't want to join a co-ed small group without Doug because that would be awkward. (Eye roll.)

You get the idea.

The result is that I haven't been in community for a few years and my soul is suffering for it. I am aware of this.

This weekend, I was reminded of the beauty of living in community with others and it has left my heart longing for more.

We didn't have an agenda or a schedule. We were just three good friends, hanging out and giving ourselves the opportunity for deep conversation and deep laughter. I want more of that! It's time to take a step forward and find a group to get involved in.

I'm finally listening, God. Thank You for your Faithfulness and Persistence!

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