
The Good and The Bad

Good: Lila had a burst in vocabulary this weekend. She's started saying, 'no', 'Thank You!' (DAH-goo), 'diaper' (bye-bur), 'cool' (don't remember exactly how she says this one - i just asked her if she would say it and she said, very clearly, 'no'), 'wow', 'uh oh!' (uh boh! this is the cutest), and a few other things that she says occasionally, but not consistently.

Bad: I just gave Lila some cow's milk for the first time and... I've had better experiences... at the dentist's office! Okay, so maybe it wasn't THAT bad, but it did leave us both very frustrated. I put some milk in her cup and gave it to her. She took several drinks, while looking at me like, "What is this strange substance?" She didn't dislike it, but didn't feel the need to continue drinking either.

So I put the rest into a bottle to see if she'd take it that way. This was a big mistake. Mostly, it just made her very mad! She wanted the white substance in the bottle to be Mommy's milk, not this other weird stuff that I kept calling milk. Between the cup and several minutes of her screaming and me trying to convince her to drink some from the bottle, she only consumed about 20 mL (maybe less).

At that point, she was throwing a total fit and I was extremely frustrated, so I put her down and went outside for a few minutes. Once we had both calmed down, I let her nurse for a bit. Did I really expect her to just cheerily give up nursing and take cow's milk as a replacement? No. At least, I don't think so... Maybe I secretly did. I don't know. Anyway, I am not looking forward to this process of weaning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was at Turtle Island (in July) I had raw cow's milk for the first time, fresh from the neighbor's one, very well taken care of cow. It was the most delicious thing I've ever tasted. It made the store bought milk taste like toxic waste-- no exaggeration! So I understand how Lila feels! Maybe we could get a neighborhood cow.