
Hurricane Lila

I've been sitting here in front of the computer for five minutes (lila's napping, obviously), trying to decide what to write. How is it that I suddenly have nothing to talk about? I guess I could tell you about my morning...

I spent most of the morning trying to get through my daily routine (and i did! i finished my morning routine before noon for the first time in... i don't even know how long!). Lila spent most of the morning crawling from room to room and leaving a path of destruction in her wake. For example:

I picked up the few toys that were scattered in the Study floor and put them back in the toy basket. I sat down to read an email and when I turned around, Lila had pulled ALL of the toys out of the basket. I then went in and straightened up Lila's room, which was really not very messy. I put away the clean laundry that had been sitting in a basket for days and put the basket back in the dirty clothes hamper where it belongs. After that, I went off to make my bed. When I came back, Lila had created more of a mess in her room than there was to begin with, had opened her bottom dresser drawer and pulled out half of her extensive collection of bibs, and had opened the laundry hamper and pulled out some dirty clothes.

Thankfully, I have a sense of humor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Miss Curious is on the trail of anything that looks like something fun to play with :o)
