
There's really not much to report except that Lila is teething again and I don't like summer.

Poor girl is all cranky and now she's started saying "Mama" while she's crying, as if I don't already feel sorry for her! Earlier, she started crying in the car because she wanted my attention, so she's sitting in the back seat crying and saying "Mama" and sounding all pitiful and there was nothing I could do! Alas. I am giving her Tylenol, which will hopefully help *some*.

I have noticed before that I tend to get depressed around the beginning of summer and it's happening again. I don't know if it's because I hate the heat and the feeling of lethargy that comes with it or if it's a conditioned response from when I was in school and the summers meant endless days of trying to entertain myself. Either way, it's not fun. I've been feeling down for a few weeks now and I can't seem to shake it. :(

I did get an appointment for Lila's physical therapy evaluation. Her appointment is on June 14th. I wish it were sooner - oh well...

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