Lila seems to have started doing half-a-dozen new things overnight! Just to name one, she got upset because I wouldn't give her something she wanted today. I was filing my fingernails and she decided she wanted to play with the file. For obvious reasons, I declined to let her have it. She didn't throw a fit or anything, but it was clear what she wanted and she was annoyed that I wasn't giving it to her.
I stopped by the pediatrician's office this afternoon to get her weight and length. She'll be five months old tomorrow and I wanted the numbers for her baby book. Plus, I like to know. She weighs exactly 16 lbs. and is 25.5 inches long. That means she's gained one pound and grown half an inch in just under a month. Go baby go!
And here's a weird dream I had: If you've never watched 'America's Next Top Model' (a secret pleasure of mine), then you might not know who Janice Dickinson (sp?) is, but she's the main person it was about. Briefly, she's a middle-aged ex-supermodel with big boobs and an attitude. In this dream, she was also a centaur. First of all, I found out in it that the way she had kept her breasts so large over the years was by continually acting as a wet nurse for other mothers.
Also in the dream she asked me, for whatever reason, to nurse her foal for her. I said, okay, no problem. However, that means I won't have enough milk for my baby, so could you nurse her for me. She said sure. Now, have you ever seen the Chevy Impala commercial with all the little silver impalas running around? Well, that's what her foal was - a little silver impala. It was all very strange.
I mean, I spend a good deal of time breastfeeding, so I can understand how that made it into my dreams. But Janice Dickinson? I haven't even watched 'ATM' in quite a while. And as a centaur? And the thing about her boobs? I just don't know where my brain comes up with these things sometimes. There was also something in the dream about a very fast and expensive car called a Heist. That was the maker. There was a model name too, but I don't remember what it was. Everyone was shocked that I'd gotten to drive a Heist though. Weird...